Can’t Taste My Food Since Getting Dentures

I don’t know what’s going on, but ever since I got dentures my food has tasted awful.  Is this normal.  I haven’t enjoyed eating since I got them. Plus, food keeps getting lodged under them.  Will this change?

Melissa L.

Dear Melissa,

Dentures are great affordable tooth replacement options, but they’re not without their problems. As you’ve noticed it can affect the way you taste the food. This is because the upper dentures cover your palate. They also reduce your chewing efficiency by at least 50%. Some patients adjust and do just fine. But others never feel satisfied with dentures.

If you’re dissatisfied and don’t think that will change, there is another option. Dental implants are the ideal tooth replacements. They look, feel, and function just like natural, healthy teeth. You can eat what you want, as well as brush and floss normally.

Another important advantage is they protect you from facial collapse. When your teeth are removed, your body redistributes the minerals in your jawbone to use elsewhere. It’s an efficient use of your body’s resources, but eventually, your jawbone shrinks. This leads to you having a much more aged appearance. Plus, the more it shrinks, your dentures will no longer have anything to keep them in, essentially making you a denture cripple. Dental implants prevent all of that. But, you need to be aware it’s a more expensive procedure and requires surgery.

I’d have a discussion with your dentist about what’s been going on. The two of you can discuss what options work best for you.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Darshan Naidu.

Naidu Dental - Dentist Bradenton FL

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